"Be Ready" breakfast cereal

Following a successful meeting with Bossy Cereales, BPDS were engaged to create a brand for a new breakfast cereal. Our name "Be Ready" was accepted and I got to work photographing the product. 

The product has been very well received in Suisse Romande and is for sale in the largest supermarket, Coop

 "Be Ready" breakfast cereal

Cressier Refinery

Since moving to Neuchâtel, I've driven past the refinery in Cressier many many times and, especially at dusk, it looks like a set from Blade Runner.

Last night I had the opportunity (and the weather) to photograph it at close quarters. I took the 1D X, 24mm TS-E, a solid tripod and some ND filters and just waited for the light.


Cressier Refinery. EOS 1D X, 24mm TS-E, 1 min at f11 iso 100.

X-E1 Landscapes

I was out shooting at the Creux Du Van  this weekend to test the long exposure and dynamic range capabilities of the X-E1. First shot is 1 second at f22, iso 100 (with a couple of ND filters):

Creux Du Van, Switzerland.

Second shot is 1/1100 sec at f9.0, Velvia film simulation: 

Creux Du Van, Switzerland.

Both images were shot as JPEG's (!!!) and have been processed in Lightroom. Pretty astonishing little camera.